Episode 31: Ahead of the Digital Euro: Public Digital Euro Working Group Recommendations

Show notes

With the introduction of the digital euro the European Commission and the ECB face what is probably the most significant challenge facing the eurozone since its inception. Which primary characteristics must a digital euro possess to guarantee being a serious alternative to physical money in the future?

Deniz Baytemur and Derico Frade as members of the Public Digital Euro Working Groups present their groups recommendations for a digital euro compartmentalized by design dimensions, payment relevant aspects and legal considerations after four months and in-depth analysis of relevant literature. The group’s findings have culminated in the paper “Ahead of the digital euro: Public Digital Euro Working Group Recommendations” and is particularly positioned at central banks involved in developing a central bank digital currency.

Access the paper “Ahead of the digital euro: Public Digital Euro Working Group Recommendations” here.

The paper “Ahead of the digital euro: Public Digital Euro Working Group Recommendations” does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Digital Euro Association but that of the Working Group participants.

Reach out to Deniz Baytemur (legal considerations sub-group) LinkedIn

Reach out to Dercio Frade (payment relevant aspects sub-group) LinkedIn

Reach out to Sarah Palurovic (DEA, executive director, representing the design dimensions sub-group)

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Reach out to the Digital Euro Association

Twitter LinkedIn DEA details (prewritten in Podigee)

We express our thanks to all Working Group participants, our chairs and supporting members (i.e., Ripple and RTGS.global) for their collaboration and work.

Comments (1)

Antonio Agrela L.

Very informative and appreciated by your audience for sure 👍👍👍👍👍

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