Episode 33: Recommendations for a euro stablecoin: Private Digital Euro Working Group

Show notes

How will Euro stablecoins fit into the landscape of digital money in the future? How will Euro stablecoins fit into the landscape of digital money in the future? In our newest podcast episode Chris Ostrowski, Luca Vanini, Dr. Oriol Caudevilla, Horst Treiblmaier and Xavier Lavayssiere summarize the findings and recommendations from the Private Digital Euro Working Group Stablecoin paper. Topics reviewed include the various design choices and features of stablecoins, how stablecoins would interact with CBDCs, and the legal and regulatory framework required to support the introduction of stablecoins in the eurozone and the global financial system. The paper concludes with well-considered recommendations.

Access the paper "Stablecoins: An introduction and recommendations for the EU from the Private Digital Euro Working Group" here.

The paper “Stablecoins: An introduction and recommendations for the EU from the Private Digital Euro Working Group” does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Digital Euro Association but that of the Working Group participants.

Reach out to Chris Ostrowski (chair of the working group and representing the design choices and features for stablecoins sub-group) LinkedIn

Reach out to Dr. Oriol Caudevilla (chair of the working group and representing the design choices and features for stablecoins sub-group) LinkedIn

Reach out to Horst Treiblmaier (Introduction to stablecoins sub-group) LinkedIn

Reach out to Xavier Lavayssiere (Interactions between stablecoins and CBDCs sub-group) LinkedIn

Reach out to Luca Vanini (Outlining a legal framework for stablecoins sub-group) LinkedIn

Reach out to Conrad Kraft (executive director; DEA) Twitter LinkedIn

Reach out to the Digital Euro Association Twitter LinkedIn

We express our thanks to all Working Group participants, our chairs and supporting members (i.e., Ripple and RTGS.global) for their collaboration and work.

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