Episode 50: Banking on Tokens by the DEA Digital Euro Working Group

Show notes

In this episode, the DEA working group chairs discuss the content of their newly published paper on tokenized commercial bank deposits, touching on topics such as regulatory considerations, benefits, risks and use cases. The series of recommendations on tokenized deposits aimed at policymakers, central banks, and financial institutions are also included.

Enjoy the episode!

Access the paper "Banking on Tokens: A primer on Tokenized Commercial Bank Deposits" here

The paper does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Digital Euro Association but that of the Working Group participants.

Reach out to Conrad Kraft (executive director; DEA) Twitter LinkedIn

Reach out to the Digital Euro Association Twitter LinkedIn

We express our thanks to all Working Group participants, our chairs, and supporting members (i.e., Ripple, Solaris and RTGS.global) for their collaboration and work.

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Great episode!!!

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