Episode 60: Democracy Issues of the Digitized Financial Sector

Show notes

In this episode we are joined by Caroline Marburger, a specialist in science communication for the discourse project "Democracy Issues of the Digitalised Financial Sector" (eFin & Democracy) at the Centre Responsible Digitality (ZEVEDI). The Centre Responsible Digitality (ZEVEDI) is a research network that brings together the scientific expertise of researchers from Hessian universities to analyse the ethical and legal dimensions of digital transformation. eFin & Democracy is an innovative project that uses events and various media formats to stimulate a broad discussion among citizens, experts, companies and politicians on the socio-political aspects of digital finance. In its first two years, the project focused on the role of CBDCs and in particular on the possible introduction of the digital euro.

Today, we discuss democracy issues within the broader financial sector and the public communication strategies from public institutions.

Enjoy the episode!

Reach out to Sarah Palurovic, executive director at the DEA Twitter LinkedIn

Centre Responsible Digitality (ZEVEDI) Website

Reach out to the Digital Euro Association Twitter LinkedIn

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